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Office - 01664 565315
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103 The Eye
PO Box 103
Melton Mowbray
LE13 9AW
103 The Eye we are always keen to get new people involved. If you have a
passion for radio, and would like to be part of your local radio service,
we'd love to hear from you!
you'd like to become a presenter or try your hand at production or
interviewing, regardless of age or any broadcast experience, please
get in touch. You could join our team of volunteers and get free training!
Everyone, from all walks of life, is welcome! We very much look forward to
hearing from you!
Community groups,
charities and local projects
We offer the opportunity to script and record
your own promo to give your group or activity some free publicity on the air.
Don't worry if you've never done this kind of
thing before - we'll show you how it's done and we'll produce the finished item
to a professional standard so it can be broadcast on 103 The Eye.