And About In
The Community

The newly-revived Melton Country
28 June 2009

Alan, Jerry and Treaders during
the live broadcast
from the Leicestershire County Show 2009 on
Melton Airfield

Lady Gretton, Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, opens Wymondham
May Fair (31/5/08) from the 103 The Eye soundstage.

103 The Eye broadcast live from Brooksby Melton
College's open day on the Brooksby campus (1/6/08).
Jane Lloyd,who organised the day, took part in the
radio show presented by 103 The Eye's Shane Mousley.

Peter Butler broadcasts from the Leics
Agricultural Society County Show on Melton Airfield (4-5/5/08).
Dennis Kay interviews Leics & Rutland WI County Chairman Rosemary
Heyes and Executive Member Susan Woollard at
the County Show.